In addition to the Cub Scout Ranks and electives, Cub Scouts may earn dozens of additional awards that expand upon the basic rank requirements. In addition, Cub Scouts may earn Honor awards to recognize outstanding good deeds.
The Outdoor Activity Award may be earned by all registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts. Boys may earn the award in each of the program years as long as the requirements are completed each year.
The Conservation Good Turn Award is an opportunity for Scout units to join with conservation or environmental organizations (federal, state, local, or private) to carry out a conservation Good Turn in their home communities. Working together in the local community, the unit and the agency plan the details and establish the date, time and location for carrying out the project. It may be earned by all registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts.
The Emergency Preparedness Award has different requirements for Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Boy Scouts, Venturers, and adults tailored for the abilities of each.
Interpreter Strip. Boys and adults may wear this strip if they show their knowledge of a foreign language or the sign language for the hearing impaired. This award may be earned by all registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts.
The National Summertime Award encourage packs to provide a year-round program by continuing to meet during the time periods when school is out of session for several weeks or months. Cub Scouts earn this pin by participating in three summertime pack events (one each in June, July, and August). This award may be earned by all registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts.
The National Den Award recognizes dens that conduct a quality, year-round program. Service projects, field trips, character development, and Cub Scout camping are areas that are emphasized. Dens earn the award as a team, not as individual den members. The recognition is a ribbon for the den flag or den doodle. All Cub Scouts (Tigers through Webelos) may earn this.
The BSA’s STEM/NOVA Awards program is designed to introduce and encourage further study of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) by Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers. A Scout may earn all four Nova awards. The Supernova awards are designed to inspire further study. It is recommended that you complete at least two Nova awards before starting the requirements for the Supernova award. This award may be earned by all registered Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts.
The Recruiter Strip is awarded to Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts and is worn below the right pocket on the uniform. This award may be earned by all registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts.
Religious Emblems, cloth, silver knot on purple, No. 05007, may be worn by youth or adult members who earned the knot as a youth member, above left pocket. Each faith has its own requirements for earning its emblem. A knot device may be used to indicate during which level of Scouting the award was earned. This award may be earned by all registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts.
The Hornaday Unit Award may be earned by a Cub Scout pack, Boy Scout troop, Venturing crew or Sea Scout ship that plans and carries out at least one conservation project. This award may be earned by all registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts.
The World Conservation Award can be earned only once while you are in Cub Scouting (i.e. as either a Wolf, Bear, or Webelos Scout; but not by Tiger Cubs).
The BSA Family Award program helps families accomplish worthy goals while building and strengthening relationships among family members. All family members are encouraged to participate and may earn the award.
The Cub Scout Shooting Sports awards are for authorized Cub Scouts Shooting Sports-related activities.
Honor Awards
Medal of Merit, cloth, gold and blue on tan, blue to right, No. 05025. The Medal of Merit may be awarded to a youth member or adult leader who has performed some outstanding act of service of a rare or exceptional character that reflects an uncommon degree of concern for the well-being of others.
Honor Medal, cloth, red knot on tan, No. 05010. The Honor Medal may be awarded to a youth member or adult leader who has demonstrated unusual heroism and skill in saving or attempting to save life at considerable risk to self.
James E West Fellowship Award, cloth, green and gold knot on tan, No. 05026, Scout or Scouter. For a donation of $1,000 or more to a council endowment. This award may be presented to a registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scout.
Adult awards
Additionally, there are many “square knots” that adults can earn, which are summarized at Scouter leadership awards. Some of the more common include:
Scouter’s Training Award, cloth, green knot on tan, No. 05008, above left pocket. Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing leaders may earn the Scouter’s Training Award and may wear the Scouter’s Training Award knot with an appropriate device.
Cub Scout Den Leader Award, cloth, gold knot on blue, No. 05016. is available to Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos Cub Scout Den Leaders who complete training, tenure, and performance requirements.
Scouter’s Key, cloth, green and white knot on tan, green to right, No. 05006, above left pocket. Recognizes certain leaders for completing at least three years of service, training, and quality program objectives. Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Coaches and Advisors may earn the Scouter’s Key Award and may wear the Scouter’s Key knot with an appropriate device.
Adult Religious award, cloth, purple knot on silver, No. 05014, may be worn by adult members presented with the recognition, above left pocket. Adults may wear both knots if they satisfy qualifying criteria. Presented for faithful service while an adult leader.
Asian American Spirit of Scouting Service Award Recognizes outstanding services by an adult individual or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for Asian American youth.
¡Scouting … Vale la pena! Service Award Recognizes outstanding services by an adult individual or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for Hispanic American/Latino youth.
William T. Hornaday awards, cloth, blue, green, and white knot on tan. It recognizes unusual and distinguished service in natural resource conservation and environmental improvement at the regional, national, or international level.