Pocketknife Policy

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Cub Scouts are encouraged to learn safety rules and the proper use of a pocketknife. Webelos Scouts may earn the right to carry a pocketknife to designated Scouting functions by completing requirements for the Whittling Chip card. Cub Scout-age boys may not use sheath knives. Cubs should wait until they become Boy Scouts before they use any other woodworking tools.

When Cubs complete the requirements they will be awarded a Cub Scout Whittling Chip Wallet Card and/or Patch. The Whittling Chip patch is worn on the uniform shirt, centered on the right pocket as a temporary patch, or on the boy’s patch vest.

Pack 180 Pocket Knife Rules
The Leaders of Pack 180 recognizes that Cub Scouts look forward to using a pocket knife. It is our Pack’s goal that any interested Cub Scout learn how to safely use a pocket knife with his parent’s permission. We have established the following mandatory policy for safe pocket knife use.

Cub Scouts in Pack 180 may carry and use pocket knives ONLY when they obey the following rules:
Only Cub Scouts that have earned a Whittling Chip Card may carry and use a pocket knife.
Knives may only be carried on outdoor camping trips, hikes or other approved activities ONLY when permitted by the Cubmaster or other Leader.
The Whittling Chip Card MUST be carried by the Cub Scout at all times when he is carrying or using his pocket knife.
Cub Scouts may use their pocket knife only when the Cubmaster or a designated Leader is directly supervising the Cub Scout’s activities. The supervising adult MUST NOT be involved in any other activities while supervising Cub Scouts’ use of knives.
Under no conditions are switchblade knives or sheath knives permitted.
Pack 180 Leadership (Cub Master, Committee Chair, or Den Leaders) have the final authority on knife use at all official pack events.
Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts from other Troops or Packs that are attending Pack 180 activities, will be allowed to use pocket knives only if they adhere to these stated rules.
Cub Scouts who do not obey the Pack 180 Pocket Knife Rules and the Whittling Chip Card will lose the privilege of carrying and using a pocket knife; the knife and the card will be taken away, and returned to the parent. The following guidelines will be used:
For a minor infraction, one corner of the Whittling Chip card will be cut off. If all four corners of the card are cut off, the Cub Scout will lose his Whittling Chip Card for 3 months. With the approval of the Cubmaster, he may re-earn the card after 3 months.
For major infractions, including any accident, the Cub Scout will lose his Whittling Chip Card immediately for 3 months. With the approval of the Cubmaster, he may re-earn the card after 3 months.

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